
My sweet little boy

Sunday, February 24, 2013

So I am on my way to success again. I want my son and I to have a better life then we have now. A life we can call our own. I realize our family has been very supportive and that is a life, but over the last few days Liam has been asking about what happened to our house and why we are living with papa and nene again. I let him know that we lost it because our land lady wanted to sell it but we will find a new place to live and that this is our home, but he still has a lot of unasked and unanswered questions. He may only be almost 3 but he remembers everything.

He has been very sick for the last few days and has still made no progress on wanting to see his father. Honestly, that concerns me. Liam will go with a perfect stranger, so why does he not want to go with his own father? I know Liam loves him.. I am lost for words on this.

Potty training was attempted at and he did very good for the first few hours but then he didn't want to use the potty anymore after that. I refuse to force him to use it if he doesn't want to. Any suggestions?

On good news we got a new car, which I bought outright because I didnt want to get stuck in a monthly payment that I couldnt committ to. Cars break down too often for that, so I decided that I would rather have it break down and pay for the parts myself.

Work hasnt been the same sense I stepped down as manager. I want to go back for my LNA so badly, I just dont know where I will be able to come up with the money for this...

wish me luck!

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